Party hitting a lull? This blog is your guide to the BEST DRINKING games for your house party to get everyone laughing, cheering, and maybe a little competitive. We'll cover all types of games to keep the fun going from chill to chaotic!
1. Beer Pong
Beer pong, a party staple where teams battle it out with ping pong balls and plastic cups, is as much about skill as it is about merriment.
Setup : Arrange the cups in a 3-2-1 formation & keep an extra cup with water to rinse and clean the ball after each throw. Who Goes First:
Decide who goes first: 1 player from each team shooting the ball simultaneously in the cups. The first one to get in, gets the first chance. (or the OG rock paper scissors would work).
Taking turns: Each team gets 2 shots, one per person per round. The goal is to throw the ball into your opponent's cups. If a ball lands in a cup, the opposing team drinks and removes the cup. First team to remove all the cups, WINS. The house decides if one bounce is allowed or not.
Multiple shots: If both teammates on a team land the ball in the cup, both get to shoot again.
Russian Roulette: Add a shot of vodka to any of the opponents’ cups and keep it a secret.
Portal: Each team marks one cup with “X” on the bottom. If the opposing player throws the ball in that cup, the respective player will switch team with any player and continue.
2. King’s Cup
There are so many great drinking games around, with the age old classic being 'King’s Cup;'. The game involves one pack of cards being spread around a cup in the middle of the table, with each card having a different value. Players take it in turns to draw the cards, which mean the following -
2 – You: the player who drew the card picks someone to drink
3 – Me: the player who drew the card drinks
4 – Floor: The Last Person to touch the floor Drinks
5 – Guys: All the Guys, Drink!
6 – Chicks: All the Chicks, drink
7 – Heaven: the player who drew the card must point to the sky, and the last person who points to the sky must drink
8 – Mate: the player who drew the card picks a drinking mate, who must drink every time they drink
9 – Rhyme: the player who drew the card says a word, and you go around the circle rhyming with that word until someone messes up, and has to drink
10 – Categories: the player who drew the card thinks of a category (e.g. dogs, cars, types of alcohol), and you go around the circle naming words in that category until someone messes up, and has to drink
Jack – Rule: the player who drew the card makes a new rule (e.g. must drink with your left hand, or just speak in pure Hindi) and anyone who breaks the rule has to drink
Queen - Question master: Ask someone a question. That person then asks someone else a question. The first person to fail, drinks!
King – King’s Cup: Set a rule and pour some of your drink into the king's cup in the center of the table. Whoever draws the final king must drink the entire king's cup.
Ace – Waterfall: every player continually drinks their drink, and can only stop when the person to their right has stopped drinking, starting with the player who drew the card.
Pro Tip : There is an app already on app store and play store.
3. Flip The Cup :
The game is usually played with two teams, each consisting of an equal number of players.
Teams usually have a minimum of four players, but larger groups can form multiple teams.
Divide the players into two teams and have each team stand on opposite sides of the table.
Place an equal number of plastic cups (typically half-filled with a beverage of choice) in a straight line along the edge of the table, one cup per player.
Each player starts with a cup filled with a drink in front of them on the table.
All players on a team must start by drinking the contents of their cup as quickly as possible.
Once a player finishes their drink, they attempt to flip the cup by placing the rim on the edge of the table and flicking the bottom of the cup to make it flip 180 degrees. The cup must land upside down for it to be considered successfully flipped.
After successfully flipping their cup, the player tags the next teammate in line, who then repeats the process.
The game continues in this manner, with players drinking and flipping their cups in sequence.
The first team to successfully flip all of their cups and have every player finish the relay wins the game.
4. Never Have I Ever :
This popular drinking game — sometimes called “i’ve Never…” or “Ten Fingers” is the best way to bring out unknown facets of your guests. Each player has to declare out loud that X is something they have never done (the more shocking or embarrassing the declaration, the better!).
For instance, “'Never have I ever had a crush on my teacher”. From among the other players, whoever the statement is actually true for, gets a pass. But for the folks who can’t make a similar claim in good conscience, it’s time to down a shot! This game gets even better when you whose secrets you can spill, whilst making them blush!
Find some questions to start with here.
5. Cups Crash :
Set-up: Set 6 cups in a vertical pyramid (shown below) on the blue end of the mat and divide in teams of two.
Drinks: Each player in both teams gets a drink-filled cup
Gameplay: After deciding who gets to strike first, a player from the first team bowls the ping pong ball (under-arm) on the mat to break the tower.
Once broken, the bowling team’s objective is to finish their drinks while the other team starts rebuilding the tower. Remember, only one player at a time, can drink from their cup. The other player starts only when the previous is finished.
Once the tower is rebuilt, the bowling team stops drinking even if it’s in the middle of a drink. It’s the second team’s turn to strike, and the game continues.
The team that finishes their drinks first wins decides the punishment for the loosing team.
6. Rage Cage :
Game in action here.
Rage Cage is a high-energy and fast-paced drinking game that involves bouncing ping pong balls into cups and trying to eliminate opponents. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to play Rage Cage:
Arrange 20 Red/Blue cups in a circular formation on a table.
Fill each cup with a small amount of beer (or beverage of your choice)
Starting positions: Players stand around the table, each facing a cup. Two players standing opposite each other will start the game.
Drink and bounce: Each starting player picks up their cup, drinks its contents,and then tries to bounce the ping pong ball into their empty cup. The ball must bounce on the table before entering the cup.
Passing the cup: If a player successfully bounces the ball into their cup on the first try, they can choose any player (except the person next to them) to pass the cup and ball to.
Stacking and penalty: If a player fails to bounce the ball in on the first try, or takes multiple attempts, they can pass the cup only to the next player (player on the left) in line. If the player on your right makes their shot before you , they can "stack" their cup on top of the your cup. You must then:
Pass the stacked cup to the player on your left
Drink the penalty cup: Consume any drink from the centre cups and proceed with that cup till you make the shot
Accidental hits: If a player accidentally bounces the ball into another cup on the table, they must drink that cup, stack it on top of the existing stack (if any), and continue playing.
Winning: The game continues until all the cups in the circle are empty. The last player remaining with an empty cup is the "loser" and may have to face an additional penalty drink (optional).
7. Titanic :
Game in Action here.
Fill up a Beer Glass (or any long glass) till its half full, with beer or the drink of your choice. Now place a shot glass inside in a way that it is floating.
Now that the setup is done, the rules are simple: within your group, each person takes turns pouring a small amount of liquor into the shot glass, one by one. As the shot glass becomes full, eventually, it will fall to the bottom of the “ocean,” and the ship will sunk.
Whoever poured this fatal blow will be the one to drink the entire contents of the beer glass. Repeat the game and find out who sinks the most Titanics!!
8. Presidents & Assholes
Game in action here.
Before we talk about the setup and gameplay, it’s crucial to talk about the game roles in the Asshole Drinking Game. The bios below explain how each role works and what is involved with playing your part.
President: This is the most powerful position in the game. The President will always go first, can order other players to drink, and they can drink whenever they want. Another bonus is that the President should always get their drink filled by another player.
Vice President: The second most powerful position in the game. The Vice President can order Citizens or the Asshole to drink and will go second during a round.
People/ Citizens: Citizens can make each other and the Asshole drink. They will go after the Vice President and before the Asshole. In games with more than four players, there can be numerous Citizens in a game. Their turn after the first round is decided on how they did in the previous one.
The Asshole: This is the lowest ranking role in the game. They have to deal all the cards, pour all the drinks, and will always go last. Any other role can also make the Asshole drink at any time as well.
Every player should take a card from a well-shuffled deck. The person with the highest value card will then become the President & the lowest becomes the Asshole. The President should then decide the rest of the roles.
The Objective :
The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards. When starting you can lay down any card or cards with the same face value. The person following you must lay down a card of equal or greater value. They must also use the same amount of cards as you did. If you lay down two 9's then they would have to lay down two of something equal or greater. If the player lays down the same card as the previous player then the next player is skipped and must drink. Also if you can't play any of your cards than you must skip and drink. Cards are cleared if everyone skips or a two is played.
The game continues till all players have got rid of their cards. You can then start a new round of the Asshole Drinking Game.
But you must use the order from the last round to decide the roles of the players. The player who finished first will become the new President, the player who finished second will be the Vice President, while the player who finished last will be the new Asshole. Everyone else will be a Citizen.
9. Among Us/ Shot Roulette :
This game is good for a large crowd, because anywhere between 4 and 6 people can play. All but one of the players is given a shot glass to place before them. One of the shot glasses is filled with any type of clear alcohol, such as vodka. The other shot glasses should all contain water.
The person who does not have a shot glass leaves the room while the other players shuffle the glasses. The player then returns to the room to watch the other players take a shot. The player has to guess which of his or her opponents was lucky enough to drink the vodka.
The players can act as if everyone got a vodka shot or everyone got clear water to confuse the person choosing. A correct answer warrants everyone taking a shot, while a wrong answer is the start of a new round.
10. Arrogance :
Sit around a table in a large group. The first person must pour an amount of alcohol into a glass, depending on how arrogant they are feeling. They must then toss a coin and call heads or tails, if they are correct then the glass is passed to the next person, who has to drink the arrogant cup. If they call wrong they have to down the contents of the glass.
Variation: Toss the coin twice, the result of the second toss determines whether or not you have to do a dare chosen by the rest of the table.
11. 7 - 11 – Doubles :
Players sit around the table and place the cup in the center. The cup is then filled 1/4th with beer or a drink of your choice.
Each player rolls the two dice, the player who has the highest number goes first.
The first player rolls the dice, if they roll a 7, 11 or double (ie. two 5’s) then they must choose a player to drink. If they do not roll any of those, they pass the dice to the person on their left.
Once a player is chosen as the drinker they are allowed to grab the cup from the center of the table and start chugging, the roller cannot touch the dice until the drinker touches the cup. The roller must try to roll a 7, 11 or double before the drinker finishes chugging their beer.
If the drinker finishes the beer before the roller gets a 7, 11 or double then the cup is placed back in the center of the table, refilled and the person to the roller’s left gets the dice; if the roller gets a 7, 11 or double before the drinker finishes then the cup is placed back in the center of the table, refilled and the process is repeated.
12. Fuck The Dealer :
Game in action here.
Chose the dealer (the group votes or the person who picks the highest card from the deck)
(S)he turns to the left neighbour, who guesses which card is on top of the deck. The dealer checks the cards and says higher, lower or correct. If it is not correct, the player has another chance. After that, the dealer flips the card and the player has to drink the same amount of drinks as the difference of the card and the guess (e,g, guess:7, card: 4 = 3 sips). In case the player guesses right at the first attempt, the dealer has to take 4 sips, if the player gets it right at the second guess, the dealer has to take two sips.
The dealer can only lose the job, when three people in a row fail to guess the card right or change the dealer as per your own rules. In that case, the deck of cards will be handed over to the person to the left, who is then the next dealer. If you want to get one person hammered, you can put the played cards openly on the table, so that the situation gets worse and worse for the person who is the dealer at the end.
Dealer looks at the card on top of the deck
The player to the left guesses what the card is (e.g. “7”)
If that is right, the dealer drinks 4 sips
If not the dealer says whether the card is higher or lower than the guess (e.g.“lower”)
The Player guesses again (e.g. “4”)
If it is right the dealer has to take 2 sips
If not the player has to drink the difference between the guess and the actual card (Card is 2, guess was “4” = 2 sips)
The dealer can get hand over his title when three players in a row got it wrong on the final try
The job is always handed over to the player to the left